Sunday, June 08, 2008


I arrived in Lesotho about 2 days ago... I believe... my mind can't really keep up on what day it is at the moment.

I keep looking at the small city of Maseru where I'm staying and trying to compare it to Kenya and my experiences there. There are a lot of similarities to Kenya but for the most part the place is very different. Much smaller than Kenya for one. Definitely fewer people. I think there are probably fewer people in the capital here than there were in the small town of Oyugis near my site in Kenya.

Training so far has not been too torturous but we don't really start working on anything major until tomorrow. It does sound like they're not going to force me to re-learn the information that I already know. I think I'll be able to spend my extra time studying the language which will be nice because the language of Sesotho is much harder than Swahili. There are clicks involved!! Which I'm really not getting the hang of so far.

My training group is pretty cool as well. Everyone seems pretty excited to be here and taking all of it in. I don't know if panic hasn't set in for me because I've done this all before or if it's just lingering in the back ground; but so far so good.

I did manage to get a cell phone sim card. I sent an email with all the info on how to call me. I look forward to hearing from folks!! I'll try to send another update soon.

-Maya :-)


Jennifer Bullock OwYoung said...

Clicks! That's so cool, but yeah I bet pretty tricky to get the hang of.

Rethabile said...

Learn how to say, "qala qalong u qetelle qetellong," without batting an eye, and you'll be on your way

Have a good time in Lesotho.